At this point, you know us, we know you, and if you missed the first two events, you definitely don’t want to miss this one. We’re the talk of the town, and you know it!
Celebrate Valentine’s Day with your Mr. or Miss on the official date, and then come join us the next day to celebrate culture and fashion in style. Dress code? Always dress to impress. No tracksuits allowed – this is not gym class!
Tell a friend to tell a friend – we’ll be waiting for you at Ääniwalli with your craziest fits and exceptional energy! The lineup? Pure #girlpower !
With love,
Boa Vida
Last Chance 25 € + lippukaupan kulut
VIP Tables 180 € + lippukaupan kulut
+ Security fee 3,90 €
Tapahtuma on K-20. Tutustu Ääniwallin turvallisuusohjeeseen ennen tapahtumaan saapumista: