lauantai 9.11. 18:00


Osta liput

On November 9 in HELSINKI, the legendary band Kasta will present their new album and best songs.

For more than 20 years of the group’s history, the collective has released dozens of compositions that have defined our current musical reality.

”Kasta” turned the idea of Russian rap, literally exploding the Russian musical reality, managing to attract the attention of a wide audience to rap culture.

Today, Kasta’s lyrics are known by heart even by those who do not consider themselves fans of hip-hop.

”Casta” remains the embodiment of the dream of freedom from political conjuncture and public opinion. Despite the cessation of touring activities in Russia, the group continues its triumphant march around the world, and their hits are gaining millions of views and listens on all music resources.

Don’t miss the chance to be the first to hear the new songs of “Kasta” and, of course, to sing all the main hits together with the band!


Ennakkoon 39 € + lippukaupan kulut
+ Security fee 3,90 €

Soittoajat julkaistaan Ääniwallin nettisivuilla tapahtumaviikolla.

Tapahtuma on K-18. Tutustu Ääniwallin turvallisuusohjeeseen ennen tapahtumaan saapumista: aaniwalli.fi/turvallisuus 

Pälkäneentie 13 BVallilaHelsinki